
Torn And Broken

#1. have you ever said to yourself, ‘what’s the point?’

#2. it is a beautiful, perfect morning. when suddenly, all that you know comes crumbling down. and you have to take the fall because you would never wanna ever leave everything that you know because it is all you have got. so, you stand there and let everything in your life just, fall.

#3. you feel so tired that you don’t wanna shout or talk or laugh or think. so tired that you shut yourself from the world. so tired that you don’t wanna live. so tired that you just wanna fucking sleep.

#4. you don’t know who you are and what made you anymore.

#5. you don’t know if you are being optimistic or just delusional.

i know i will regret this post. but have we all not already regretted being alive?

23rd may ’09

Dance Inside

i found this song i used to grow very fond of last time. and after so long, listening to it now makes me feel soooooooo gooooooooooooooooooood. you have no idea. feels so so so good. it makes you feel like dancing and jumping and throwing your arms in the air. like you wanna do everthing in the world. it makes you feel so aliveee! well, to me la at least.

err… i think that’s all i wanna say. LOL.

oh yea. i fell in love with sacha baron cohen and cartier love bracelet. he’s taking over johnny depp’s place. sorry johnny (hhahah like i know him personally liddat). yes. sacha baron cohen is brilliant! ali g is the bomb! booyakasha! hahahahahah.

and i found out that that a cartier love bracelet is about rm15k? *multiple darts pierce through heart   

but it’s so pretty. how how how? hm. i have decided. i shall wait 13 years later. then see if i actually have disposable 15k in my hands. but i think by that time, one bracelet will cost about 20k already cos of inflation wtf. another alternative is i could forget it. well… i could… haha. weh. got screwdriver one! like, once u put the bracelet on, you can’t take it off it without the screwdriver. so if people wanna rob your bracelet, they’ll chop off your hands. ah. another reason why i shouldn’t get the bracelet… now. haha.

okay. here are some stupid things ali g have said. taken from imdb n some other website. (ali g is someone stupid n julie is his girlfriend)

Ali G: Me Julie, will you make me the happiest guy in the world?
Me Julie: Yes, Ali. Yes I will.
Ali G: Good. Let me shag her, then!
Ali G: Talk to the hand, ‘cos the face ain’t listening.

Ali G: If you iz watching dis in da UK, you may remember me from da telly. If you iz in Belgium… you iz living in a shit hole.
(hahaahahhahaah wtf!)

Ali G: Sex can lead to nasty things like herpes, gonorrhea, and something called relationships.

Ali G: One time when me was high, me sold me car for like 24 chicken McNuggets.

Ali G: But what harm has violence ever done?
Media analyst: Oh… death!
Ali G: Yeah, but apart from that.

hahahahahahahaa. OHHH! did i say? sacha baron cohen is the voice of king julien alsoooooo! OMGGG! i kept telling this to everyone lol. no wonder i love king julien. /_________\

ok lah gonna go sleep now. goodnight! (:

16 Days

i. can’t. sleep.

and that sucks because i sleep easily! i woke up at 3pm today. and then i continued sleeping again. okay, yeah, that might probably be the reason. ):

things currently on my mind :

#1. i need to wake up at 6am tomorrow, i mean later, cos i’ve got schooooool. physics class at like 8am. then physics paper at 6pm. oh and guess what? i haven’t studied! oh the thrilllll!

#2. i want adam lambert to win tomorrow!

#3. restaurant city. stupid craigton caught up and he’s like 2k points ahead of me now. bah.

#4. a bag from http://www.tokidoki.it.

#5. i think i got thinner over the past 3 days. cos i had a really bad stomach ache the day before. and kept shitting water. ever since, my stomach became very light. well, at least it felt so.

#6. i got 100% for ka chuan’s how well do you know me quiz. i was shocked for a bit. i got 100% for wendy jie jie’s aka rachel’s mom quiz too! 😀

#7. i am waiting patiently for my hair to grow. it’s taking forever! and my state of hair (wtf?) is very annoying now cos it is neither short nor long. gahhh. but from…

wtf yea i know i feel like slapping her/myself too.


longer, luscious hair wtf.

of course got trim a little in between la ok! if my hair grows at this rate, i will only have long hair in 20 years and by then, i’ll be old and screaming at boisterous kids and cleaning the house. omg the horror.

#8. cl, soph and singapore. *flutters arms haphazardly

omg it’s 3:23 already! i gtg sleep now people! or rather, sophia! haha. goodnight!!! (:

Something Unemo

i mistaken a plane for a very big star. disappointed much. where were you going plane? klia? australia? paris? england? i love to go on planes. the smell. the new people you meet. the weird people you see. children! but i hate the toilet stupid toilet. the noise flushing makes is horrible! i’d cover my ears and use my elbow to press the flush button one okay! yea la then i’d feel air brushing through my face. HAHAH.

anyway, i slept at 5 yesterday and i woke up at 10 wtf. cosssss all my relatives are here so it’s very noisy we’re going out. and i have disposable money. paradox of thrift, nahh. hahaha. i have a huge marginal propensity to consume today! i think i used that term wrongly. but aiya whatever la sounds cool. heheh.

ok. gtg now. kthxbye!

A Name To Live Up To

i don’t do dishonesty. it’s disreputable. shove me countless future exam papers into my face and i’d do nothing but to feel sympathetic. i feel sorry for you. so sorry about you trying so hard to futilely earn friendships, to meet someone like yourself and to cope with the world outside the walls of high school, but only to encounter more failures. but i know your biggest disappointment. it is that i am not the same as you. i don’t smoke, i don’t drink and i don’t cheat. i profusely apologize for the letdown.

last but not least, i don’t do disloyalty. it’s just not me. because it’s despicable and disgusting. and i don’t do disgusting. i especially don’t do despicable. but most of all, i don’t do it because i don’t want to be treated the same way…

Treasure Hunt

yee keat and i helped a blind man to cross the road yesterday.

me : was it your first time?
yk : yeaaa.
me : me too.

the feeling… indescribable.

It Doesn’t Matter What I Think

albeit alone, i like tonight. everything’s so quiet and serene. just me and stefanie sun’s voice.

waiting. for something nice to happen. knowing. that nothing will. believing. the impossible.

not tonight. not this hour. not this moment. i know.

say something. tell me something. ask me something. anything. welcome me to your existence. so pure. so adequate. so weightless. remind me of butterflies, honey and strawberries. remind me of how it all felt like. remind me. tell me. love me.

i thought…

what happened to tomorrow?


i found magic! i found this magicagicka thingy i found, i think, 6 years ago! and it’s really magical! i’d say, 1 in ten thousand people has it!

i bought it from a toy shop. somewhere secluded in starhill, just opposite my ballet school. besides young girls in pink leotards, nobody really ever notices the shop.

it’s really really really magical! i can assure you. whoever owns it will love it! and s/he will be happy everyday!

you have no idea how happy i am now! 😀

Self Inflicted.

one day, she’ll look at me and say…

“i told you so.”

Did You Forget?

“Well, your faith was strong, but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
And she tied you to her kitchen chair
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah”


‘you’ is so weak.